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Solekrazy Modeling

 SoleKrazy is a photography company based in Ft Lauderdale, Florida. We are dedicated to delivering photos that capture the essence of beauty, of a woman, from the feet up.​ The head photographer has spent many years providing women with high quality photos that capture the hearts of those that view them. One day it was decided that we would share these beautiful pictures with those that admire the unique beauty of a woman's body from head to toe. We hope you enjoy the photos and videos that we have decided to share with you.

SoleKrazy Modeling
​Ft Lauderdale, FL 33023


Solekrazy IS NOT an adult Web site. It is a promotional site showing artistic, casual images and videos of Women from their head to their feet, in everyday settings and/or situations. Nowhere in the site are there depictions of nudity or sexually explicit conduct as described by U.S. Code Title 18, Part I, Chapter 110 that describes sexually explicit conduct, actual or simulated as: "sexual intercourse, including genital-genital, oral-genital, anal-genital, or oral-anal, whether between persons of the same or opposite sex; bestiality; masturbation; sadistic or masochistic abuse; or lascivious exhibition of the genitals or pubic area of any person." Although not an adult site, Solekrazy will contain a membership area in which adults can apply to view more images/video. The membership section also DOES NOT contain any depictions like those mentioned above. Therefore, if that is your interest, you are in the wrong place. All models, nonetheless, were age 18 or older at the time of photography.

© SoleKrazy

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